Thursday, December 21, 2017

Resident Assistant Questions?-

Examples of resident assistant bemefits:Request

 "...They get free housing and maybe (can't remember) a free meal plan as well. The schedule seems to suck between duty and pointless meetings (team builder activities, anyone?) at multiple levels. They also have to plan a certain number of floor activities per time period.

Ancedotally, I think there is a difference between how girls and guys interact with RAs. My RA friend who is a girl seemed to have a number of residents who actually relied on her at times for support. As a guy, I know my freshman RA was nowhere to be found and we all sort of liked it that way on my floor. Also, some RAs take their jobs very seriously (way too seriously, to the point of writing people up for things which aren't bothering anybody but are technically violations of policies) while some don't.

If you're interested in being an RA I think a decent thing to do would be in your first semester or two, find a time to talk with your RA and a couple of your friends' RAs and say you're interested and you want honest opinions on what it's like. You should be able to get a good sampling of a few different people's experiences this way. "...


"...School Tuition: $17,200
Room and Board: $13,390

Resident Assistant Benefits: FREE Room and HALF Board... $10,900 off your bill a year. Still half to pay $2,500 in meal plan.
Brings total costs down to ~$20,000 a year from about $31,000.

On Call: Usually Once or twice a week, some weeks none. You have to sit at the desk for 3 hours, no compensation however. (19 RAs, 2 on call per night on weekdays, 4 on weekends)
When on call you do 3 rounds a night (6pm, 10pm, 1am, 3am on weekends) and cannot leave the building after 4:30pm.

Duties: Host 3 programs a month, have to do 6 hours of service outside your hall a year. Bulletin Boards, doordecks, weekly emails of course too. We also have to stay until the day before Thanksgiving to wait until the dorms close.

So how does that compare to other schools? "...


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