NOTE: This is only a partial list of such titles for informational purposes, not an exhaustive or official list.
Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.)*
Bachelor of Arts/Artium Baccalaureus (B.A., A.B.)
Bachelor of Business (B.B.)/Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)
Bachelor of Science in Business (B.S.B.)
Bachelor of Canon Law (B.C.L.)
Bachelor of Computer Science (B.C.S.)/Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (B.S.C.S.)
Bachelor of Criminal Justice (B.C.J.)/Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice (B.S.C.J.)
Bachelor of Divinity (B.D.)*
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)/Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S.Ed.)
Bachelor of Wireless Engineering (B.W.E.)
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E./B.Eng.)/Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E./B.S.EN.)
Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering (B.S.A.E.)
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering (B.S.A.E.)
Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems (B.S.B.S.)
Bachelor of Science in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering (B.S.B.A.E.)
Bachelor of Science in Biological Engineering (B.S.B.E.)
Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering (B.B.m.E.)/Bachelor of Science in Biomedical
Engineering (B.S.B.E./B.S.B.M.E.)
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering (B.S.Ch.E.)
Bachelor of Science in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (B.S.Ch.B.E.)
Bachelor of Science in Chemical and Materials Engineering (B.S.C.M.E.)
Bachelor of Civil Engineering (B.C.E.)/Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (B.S.-C.I.E.)
Bachelor of Computer Engineering (B.Comp.E.)/Bachelor of Science in Computer
Engineering (B.S.C.E./B.S.Co.E/B.S.Cp.E./B.S.Cmp.E./B.S.C.P.)
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering (B.S.C.S.E.)
Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering (B.S.E.C.E.)
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (B.E.E.)/Bachelor of Science in Electrical
Engineering (B.S.E.E.)
Bachelor of Science in Engineering Management (B.S.E.Mgt.)
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering (B.S.En.E./B.S.Env.E.)
Bachelor of Fiber Engineering (B.F.E.)
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering (B.S.I.E.)
Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Engineering (B.S.Mfg.E.)
Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Systems Engineering (B.S.M.S.E.)
Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering (B.S.M.S.E.)
Bachelor of Science in Materials Engineering (B.S.MA.E.)
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (B.M.E.)/Bachelor of Science in Mechanical
Engineering (B.S.M.E.)
Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical Engineering (B.S.Mt.E.)
Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering (B.S.MI.E.)
Bachelor of Science in Systems (B.S.-SYST.)
Bachelor of Software Enginerring (B.S.W.E.)/Bachelor of Science in Software
Engineering (B.S.S.E.)
Bachelor of Systems Engineering (B.S.E.)/Bachelor of Science in Systems
Engineering (B.S.S.E.)
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (B.E.T.)/Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Technology (B.S.C.E.T./B.S.Civ.E.T.)
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Technology (B.S.C.E.T.)
Bachelor of Science in Construction Engineering Technology (B.S.Con.E.T.)
Bachelor of Science in Drafting Design Technology (B.S.D.D.T.)
Bachelor of Science in Electrical/Electronics Technology (B.S.E.T.)
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Technology (B.S.E.E.T.)
Bachelor of Science in Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology (B.S.E.M.E.T.)
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology (B.S.M.E.T.)
Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.)
Bachelor of Forestry (B.F.)
Bachelor of Science in Forest Research (B.S.For.Res.)
Bachelor of Hebrew Letters (B.H.L.)
Bachelor of Journalism (B.J.)
Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)*
Bachelor of Liberal Studies (B.L.S.)**
Bachelor of Literature (B.Lit.)
Bachelor of Marine Science (B.M.S.)
Bachelor of Music (B.M.)
Bachelor of Nursing (B.N.)/Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.)
Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm.)*
Bachelor of Philosophy (B.Phil.)
Bachelor of Religious Education (B.R.E.)
Bachelor of Science/Scientiae Baccalaureus (B.S., S.B.)
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (B.S.Ch.)
Bachelor of Technology (B.T./B.Tech.)
Titles marked with a single asterisk (*) are degrees that are either no longer offered or are being phased out, but may occasionally be encountered.
The B.L.S. degree (**) is frequently awarded to graduates of programs in divisions of continuing or adult education, as well as to students who complete structured and supervised independent studies programs. Despite the title, the content of this degree often corresponds to regular B.A. or B.S. programs in academic or professional fields.