Sunday, May 23, 2021


 It is of great skill and mastery in the end that we have learned to utilize the lessons and the resources we have access towards advantaging ourselves with learning from others as the nomads,anthropologists, and folklist before us have gained there proclamation. The educational paradigm reformation is meant to be apart of evolution and the main constitution of oneself to be successful in achievement of your goals by compiling those combined amenities that will serve you best. In our future and present lives our contribution and blueprint towards student learning will be a curriculum without geographical, time and human error that before were chrononicled as barriers in the succession of all ethnicities beyond secondary achievement but greater worldwide postsecondary fellowship.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

 “Education is that whole system of human training within and without house walls, which molds and develops men.”

In other words, education should be holistic. It should cater to the mind, body and soul of the student, and do more than prepare our youth to be master test-takers and even more than prepare our kids for college; education, at its best, should give our students the tools and confidence to be positive, productive, and purposeful citizens who are committed to the betterment of their respective communities.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Acquire new knowledge while thinking over the old and you may become a teacher of others. (Confucius)