Transformational leaders focus on “transforming” others to support each other and the organization as a whole. Followers of a transformational leader respond by feeling trust, admiration, loyalty, and respect for the leader and are more willing to work harder than originally expected. Another researcher, Bernard M.Mar 18, 2010
Transformational leadership will improve schools, change teachers' classroom practicies, enhances quality of teaching, student learning and achievement and student engagement as learning outcome. According to many authors, transformational approach proved to be very useful for educational organization.
less restriction, less segregation, less bias! The level of racial segregation in schools has important implications for the educational outcomes of minority students. ... Nationwide, minority students continue to be concentrated in high-poverty, low-achieving schools, while white students are more likely to attend high-achieving, more affluent schools. › wiki School segregation in the United States - Wikipedia EXAMPLES OF NONJURISDICTIONAL CURRICULUMS School Improvement Alternative Education Community of Practice for Leaders Cultural Competencies Culturally Responsive Teaching Resources CSI/TSI Education Community Organizations Homeschool Leading and Learning Podcast Multi-Tiered System of Supports OSI Conference - Sailing Toward Proficiency Resources for TSI Schools Resources for Supporting Military Children and Families School Climate School Improvement Plans Professional Development and Training Menu School Improvement Resource Hub School Improvement Summit School Quality Reviews Title I School Improvement Grants Contact Kimb Stewart Alternative Education Specialist Phone: (317) 232-0957 The IHSAA has established the following criteria for homeschoolers to participate in public school sports: The criteria include: The student, in conjunction with the school, provide proof to the IHSAA that the spirit of the eligibility rules will not be compromised including passing a physical examination and participating in the required number of practices in a given sport; The student must have been homeschooled for the previous three consecutive years; The student completes all state-wide examinations as authorized by the Indiana Department of Education; The student's family must submit grade information to the school to affirm the student is passing all courses; The student must be enrolled in the school for which the student is participating for a minimum of one class per day. Dual enrollment for all extra-curricular, elementary, middle and high school sports is a local decision. For specifics, contact the IHSAA at (317) 846-6601. Participation in public school EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES is also at the discretion of the public school. Under Indiana law, students enrolled in non-accredited, private schools (including, but not limited to, homeschools) ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY SCHOLARS PROGRAM.